Friday, September 28, 2012

A Calm Week

This week has been pretty uneventful.  We had our first birthing class on Wednesday night.  The lady teaching it is hysterical and great at answering questions.  I really enjoy her!  Nothing too exciting occured on Thursday or Friday.  I had a great weekend loving on my crazy girls while Dan played up in Portland.  I also got to enjoy the rare bubble bath!  Monday and Tuesday were pretty uneventful.  All in all, it was nice to have a calm week!
Getting big!

Week 27

Baby Size:  The size of a head of cauliflower or rutabaga!  He weighs almost 2 pounds and is 14.5 inches long!
Baby Development: According to
She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now.
How I feel about being pregnant: I am definitely starting to realize that in three months I have to get this little person out!  Thankfully we are going to birthing classes which are helping.  I always do better with more information than trying to figure out the unknown.
Symptoms:  I am starting to lose more energy again.  I am still getting use to needing to eat small meals all throughout the day.  I figured out that constant snacking is hard work!
Cravings:  Nothing.
What I am most excited about:  Dan getting to feel the tadpole.  It's also fun to feel my new little man getting stronger and more active.  
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He is awesome at supporting me, even with all the little tasks.
Funny moment: I realized that I have been sleeping with another man for the last 6 months, even under the same roof as our home!  He eats meals with me.  He is a good listener.  He is always with me, night and day.  Yup, it's Bebe Claric!
Special moment:  Getting a nice, relaxing bubble bath.  Man, I needed one!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I can't believe I had my ultrasound done 6 weeks ago.  That's a month and a half ago!  Sadly, I have even had a disc of the photos on my office desk the entire time and I am just now adding them to the blog....oops!  So without further ado, here is our little man.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 26 and Counting

On Friday, I felt the baby move on the outside for the first time!  I was and am so excited that he is getting stronger!  Later that evening, I saw him move...sort of creepy!  I was reading on my iPad and the belly had a quick, isolated push out.  I think there is a little alien growing inside of me.  Dan left Friday night for hunting after we went to family pizza night.  On Saturday, Caitlin came to the Duck game with me and we carpooled with Megan and Travis.  It was so nice to get time with all of them, especially because Megan and Travis live in the Bay area.  After the Duck win, we all went out to dinner and dessert with Allison and Jason. Our group should not be allowed in public but I had a great time and many laughs!  Sunday was nice and relaxing.  I did tons of dishes and tons of laundry.  It's so nice to have a tidy home!  I also put the finishing touches on the baby's room.  The second tree decal and framed print are on the walls!  The other big news is that we start our child birthing class tonight. 
Pretty new grass coming in
Caitlin and I at the game!

Week 26

Baby Size:  The length of an English hothouse cucumber or a head of lettuce!  He weights a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches from head to heel.
Baby Development: According to
The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat...If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

From another source, the tadpole has eyelashes!
How I feel about being pregnant: Excited to be done in less than four months!  I really miss sleeping through the night, not having to get up to pee, not "rolling" out of bed, not being sucked into the couch vortex, and having my own body back.  I really am starting to feel like a two ton heifer and sharing my body with this little one is tough work!
Symptoms:  not sleeping well, swollen feet, the need to pee every five minutes, aching back, nesting, and very swollen/tender breasts!  Oh, and Braxton Hicks started but thankfully they don't hurt.  It's just a weird pulsating feeling.
Cravings: sweets...mainly chocolate or ice cream!
What I am most excited about:  seeing my belly move!  It was amazing and slightly creepy all at the same time!
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He left me his car while he was off hunting.  The Accord drives so smoothly!
Funny moment: The entire time the group was in public!  There are too many funny comments, banter, and laughs to pin it down to just one!
Special moment:  It's a tie between seeing the baby move and finishing the decoration of the baby's room.  Pretty amazing to see my belly move on it's own.  Pretty amazing to see the room done.  I just wanted to sit in it and read.  I think I am still nesting hardcore style!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Week of Stress and Worries...and Hormones

Where is the time going?  Seriously!  I feel like it was only a few days ago that I was experiencing all-day sickness and now I only have four months to go!  While I am super eager to meet this little guy, there is still so much to do and so much to get and so much to learn.  How will we do it all in the next four months?!  How will we afford the big items we still need, not just want, but truly need?  Those were my panicked thoughts through most of the last week until I had a calming realization  from my Guardian Angel.  I remembered that this whole process is not about me.  It's not about Dan.  It's about God's plan and this new little person that we have been trusted to raise.  I know we are ready for this new adventure and I know all the little details will work out.  They always do.  I am so lucky to be surrounded by a loving family, supportive friends, a wonderful church community, and a husband that is even better than I could have dreamed that man!  Even in the midst of hormone chaos and pregnancy worries, I am blessed and very thankful!

Sad swollen feet at work
This past week, as you can tell, brought a bit of stress to our lives!  On my way to Rotary, my back driver-side tire shredded and I could not get a hold of Dan.  I was stranded...not a good feeling.  I called my Dad who walked me through what to do next, call insurance to see if I have roadside assistance.  Thankfully another club member pulled over to assist me.  Corrine, in her white capris, helped me dig in my trunk for the necessary tools and tire and she jacked up my car.  Airport security asked if I could move and I said no because the wheel was metal on asphalt.  Which is not a lovely sound!  TSA arrived and TSA Patrick Reed took over changing my tire.  He even asked what flight I was on so he could make sure they held the plane for me!  TSA Patrick was my hero on Thursday!  Perhaps as equally surprising as TSA Patrick's attempt to hold a plane for me was the fact that Corrine did not get her white capris dirty at all!  Amazing!  I made it to the meeting, to work, and got two new back tires and an alignment.  Dan continued to work outside on Thursday night while I deep cleaned our kitchen before my Mom and Keith came on Saturday.  Because the week was relentless and tough, I needed dog therapy and brought Dolce into work with me.  It still amazes me how much she can lift my spirits.  My Mom, Keith, and Dan got the dirt spread, the mesh in place, seeded, and added top dirt to polish off the new lawn.  I cannot wait to see those little blades of grass poke up!  Dan made an awesome dinner which was the perfect reward for our tired helpers.  While I was at church, the trio went to a garden nursery.  We met up for lunch afterwards before Mom and Keith headed back south.  It was a quick but lovely weekend!  Monday was pretty calm and not very noteworthy.  Tuesday evening we toured the other hospital, McKenzie Willamette. Both hospitals are great options so we made the classic pro/con list for each one and decided to go with McKenzie Willamette.  I am glad to check that off my list and start looking at the birthing class schedule to get us signed up!  Today has been on the tougher side.  I officially got sick at work for the second time and after a meal for the second time which is not a good combo.  I also noticed that my shoes were feeling weird so I took them off to discover swollen feet.  For some reason my right foot and ankle are more swollen.  All in all, I know it's worth it!

Week 25

Baby Size: as a rutabaga or a cauliflower head!  He weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and is 13 1/2 inches, head to heel, long!
Baby Development: According to
She's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.
How I feel about being pregnant:  Scared about finances and how we are going to make ends meet with this little guy but hopeful.  I know God has a plan and it all will work out!
Symptoms:  The dreaded leg cramps and soar lower back have started.  During the tour my right foot swelled up and I had cramps in both my not fun!  PS I am not thrilled about the stretchmarks starting to form on the top of my legs and on my sides.  I have noticed that it is harder to bend over to grab things on the ground, get off the couch, and get out of bed.
Cravings:  Nothing really.
What I am most excited about: All the nursery furniture is set up in the room.  The wall decals and print are ready to go up.  The nursery has really come together and looks adorable!
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He worked his tush off with my parents to get the backyard re-seeded!  Have I mentioned that I am married to Superman!
Funny moment: My mother's reaction when I called Bebe Claric a "blood sucking parasite".  I asked if "vampire" was better!  She said stick with tadpole!
Special moment: This is a pretty regular moment in our house but my favorite special moment this week was reading a book on the couch while cuddling with two loving girl dogs.  I had both heads on my lap and they were just so dang sweet.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Six Months!

Crib with nursery themed sheet.
Painted room with the new light!
This week was full of goodness!  I finally got my cute little car back!  Wahoo!  While I miss Dan's nicer car, it's good to be back in Zippy.  Labor Day weekend was packed full of events and progress.  Dan has been hard at work on the backyard, prepping for when my Mom and Keith come to help seed new grass.  He has been leveling and digging up roots, and getting debris out like a champ!  On Friday, my friend Adele and I went to Jerry's and picked out paint for the nursery, a new light, and a new dimmer switch.  I cleared the room on Friday night and we painted on Saturday afternoon.  In three hours, we painted two coats on every wall!  I was one tuckered momma-to-be with a very soar back!  I cleaned up and we were off to the Shannons for some good ol' college football.  We had dinner at their place, then parked the car at the boy's office, walked to the Autzen, and enjoyed opening game!  The Ducks scored 50 points in the first half.  We stuck around until the begining of the fourth quarter but left early.  I thought sleep would be easy but I tossed and turned that entire night.  After church, I finished painting the corner seams.  Dan helped me put in the new light and the dimmer switch.  Nesting had definitely taken over so we even put the crib together!  On Monday, we took Dan's parents out to lunch for his mom's birthday.  After we left his parents, Dan gave into a craving that I have had all summer...a Prince Puckler's sundae!  This local business makes the best ice cream and the sundaes have almonds, banana, hot fudge, whip cream, and happiness!  I was one happy girl!  Tuesday was a blur!  Holy cow!  My doctors appointment on Thursday was rescheduled to Tuesday.  With Monday off, Tuesday brought some major deadlines (invoices had to be finalized and UPSed to Medford for the check run) and resident billing and month end!  My appointment went really well.  Nothing new on that front to report.  The only minor noteworthy piece is that we reviewed the ultrasound  images and my placenta is a tiny bit lower than the doc would prefer.  She said I will have a third trimester ultrasound to check on it but that this whole thing is very routine.  As the uterus and baby grow, most placentas get pushed further back and further up so my doc is not too concerned but we will do the ultrasound just to be sure.  I had a lovely swim after work and busted out a nice half mile...felt so good!  I rushed over to meet Dan at Riverbend Hospital for a tour of their birthing center.  We will try to tour the other hospital next week.


Week 24

Baby Size: as long as an ear of corn or a cantaloupe!  The baby measures 12 inches from head to heel and weights over one pound!
Baby Development: According to

Your baby's growing steadily... he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.
How I feel about being pregnant:  Scared because there is so much to do and get before this kid comes!
Symptoms:  Poor sleep has started.  
Cravings:  Chocolate and ice cream. 
What I am most excited about: We toured Riverbend Hospital so that is one more thing to check off the list!  Plus, the nursery is starting to really come together!
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He came on the hospital tour with me.  He has also been Superman working hard on the backyard! 
Funny moment: Realizing the my uterus is the size of a soccer ball and wondering where that is fitting in my body!
Special moment:  We went for ice cream that I had been craving.  It was wonderful to sit in the sun and enjoy our treats because it was a rare moment where we just got to be with each other and enjoy the company.