Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Weeks 21-23

Week 21 was a busy and packed week!  On Thursday I got a massage and it was divine!  I actually felt the baby make a rolling feeling instead of just the flutters!  My Rotary Club runs the Beer Garden at the Scandinavian Festival for our major fundraiser so I worked on Friday from 4:30-10pm.  My feet were tired...and so was the rest of my body!  I did feel pretty silly pouring beer while showing a baby bump.  We had a lovely visit from my Mom and Keith on Sunday.  I had acupuncture on Monday which helped my body recover from the Scandi Fest.  On Tuesday, we had a lot of fun at an Ems game which was the after-Scandi-celebration social!  We left after the 5th inning but the Ems won!

Week 21

Baby Size: the length of a carrot or a pomegranate!  The baby measures 10.5 inches from head to heel and weights 12.7 ounces.
Baby Development: According to
You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.
How I feel about being pregnant: Excited to feel more than the flutters!
Symptoms:  My lungs are not the same!  I get out of breath easier and quicker...darn tadpole is invading!
Cravings:  Nothing. 
What I am most excited about: creating a nursery theme!  Wahoo!  Dan and I are still sorting out the details and need to clear the room of the existing furniture but the nursery will start to form soon.
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He encouraged me to get a much need massage! 
Funny moment:Pouring beer while prego!  Thankfully, no one commented but I did feel a bit strange doing it!
Special moment:  During my massage, I felt Bebe Claric rolling!  I was so excited to feel more than a flutter!

Week 22 came and went quickly!  Work was hopping as I prepped for a work retreat in Napa the following week.  Dan's parents visited on Wednesday and it was lovely to see them.  On Thursday, I stayed at work late to create a baby registry on Amazon.  I had so much fun picking out items and researching what we will need.  There is just so many options!  Dan was gone on Saturday to his cousin's graduation party.  I stayed to do laundry and pack for my anxiety is not my friend!  I went to a local baby/kid's shop, Fletcher's, and to Toys R Us to further research baby items for the registry.  Some time soon I want to take Dan over to Fletcher's so that we have a local registry, too.  The woman who helped me was wonderful and I really appreciated getting to touch and try strollers, car seats, and everything else!  I helped at the Cascade Manor Employee Picnic.  There was a low turnout but great food!  I left for Medford at 3pm on Monday and traveled by car to Napa on Tuesday.  All in all, the week was pretty good!

Week 22

Baby Size: the length of a spaghetti squash or the size of a papaya!  The baby measures 11.8 inches from head to heel and weights up to 20.8 ounces.
Baby Development: According to
Your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.  If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.
How I feel about being pregnant:  Nervous about traveling while prego!  I don't travel well on a good day!
Symptoms:  My belly button is getting shallower.  I also having not been sleeping well.  My body pillow helps but it's still not enough!  The other major thing I have noticed is that I get full quicker and if I am stuffed, I am miserable.  I am learning to eat smaller meals more regularly.
Cravings:  Nothing. 
What I am most excited about:  Catching up with co-workers I have not seen since last summer.  I can't wait to share the good news with them.
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He was very supportive as I stressed and worried about having possible traveler's anxiety! 
Funny moment:  I realized that I don't have to worry about zippers on my pants right now!  It's all about the small things that delight me!
Special moment: Listening to Dan suggest baby names!  He is so concerned about it which makes him an adorable expecting dad.

Holy moley week 23 was fast!  Wednesday was day 1 of our Business Office Managers Retreat in Napa.  Training was great followed by a wonderful dinner out.  I was saddened to be away from Dan on our anniversary.  I still can't believe we have been married for three years!  I am one lucky, lucky girl!  Thursday's training came and went.  I had a chance to catch up with a former co-worker that I miss dearly!  Richard and his family are a joy so it was wonderful to see him!  We went on the dinner train which was absolutely lovely!  The trip up the valley was beautiful and only enhanced with a tremendous dinner.  I would highly recommend this trip to anyone!  In fact, I told Dan that we should consider coming to Napa for our next anniversary!  Friday's training went well.  Of course, Richard and his dining team fed us amazing lunches.  Wednesday was an awesome salad.  Thursday was Italian themed with anti-pasta trays, cheese trays, three types of gourmet pizza, and three ravioli types.  The lobster ravs were divine!  Just when I thought he couldn't top Thursday's lunch, we were served beef tenderloin with wonderful sides and yummy chocolate mouse...I needed a second stomach for this retreat!  I arrived back in Medford on Friday and spent the weekend with my family.  I had a great time visiting with Mom and Keith, Dad and Shawna, Shawna's parents, and Miss Madison!  It had been way too long since I was down there!  On Sunday, I went out to brunch with Dad, Shawna, Madison, and Billy who was in town for a wedding.  It was so nice to a have all of us in the same place!  The big news for Monday was that I got in the pool with my new maternity swim suit!  It felt so good to do laps and be in the water!  On Tuesday I started researching the two hospitals and hope to get some tours scheduled soon.

Week 23

Baby Size: a mango or a grapefruit!  The baby measures 11 inches from head to heel and weights one pound!
Baby Development: According to

With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance...You may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.
How I feel about being pregnant:  Scared but in a good way!  It's hard to believe I am going to be a mom!
Symptoms:  The dreaded heartburn has started...  :(  I was hoping this symptom would skip over me...  Also, I have to pee a lot more!  This kid is taking over my body!  The other fun one that occurred on Thursday and Friday, swollen feet and ankles.  The swelling wasn't too bad but I could feel it!
Cravings:  Anything that will make my throat stop burning!  Milk, cheese, Tums... 
What I am most excited about: This is silly but researching the hospitals.  I am excited to know what the options are in Eugene and just want to get that crossed off my list.  Once we pick a hospital, we can schedule birthing classes and pre-admit!
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He stayed up late so we could talk on our anniversary! 
Funny moment: There were just too many from the retreat!
Special moment:  I put Dan's hand on my belly as we were falling asleep on Sunday and he was able to feel the baby for the first time!  That was wonderful and special.  I teared up! 

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