As typical, the last week flew by in a whirlwind. I ventured to Medford after work on Wednesday. I enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving at my Mom's with family friends, my grandmother, my brother, and my cousin. I loved getting to catch up with wonderful people! I enjoyed a second lovely Thanksgiving at my Dad's with my brother, little sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, and mass chaos. Thanksgiving was a busy day and my stomach was stuffed, even more than usual! My good friend Leslie stopped by with her little guy. He prepped me for motherhood by puking on me. It certainly wasn't the first time I have been puked on and definitely will not be the last! I went back up to Eugene on Friday to be with Dan. He spent Thanksgiving at his Aunt and Uncle's in Eugene. On Saturday, Dan's parents came to our home for a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. Dan roasted a duck and it was marvelous! We had the Civil War on the radio because we did not get the televised station. The Ducks pulled off a win so that was exciting. Sunday was filled with relaxing and errands and getting to be with each other. Monday was filled with work, a doctor appointment, and a Mary Kay meeting. My dr. apt. went very well. I learned the super tight belly was actually a contraction, go figure! I have had that feeling for a while were my belly just feels hard when touched and some pressure but no pain. I do get painful contractions but not ofter. At this point, the contractions are not at regular so my body is just practicing for the event to come. Tuesday was the day from Hell! I did not realize it was a full moon but that explained so much! I was running late to work and passed an intersection with last gas station for a few miles when my gas light turned on. I got gas. Walked into work late. Sat my stuff down when Dolce started to pace and whine. I thought she just needed to calm down and went to soothe her when she started to squat. I put the leash back on and grabbed the plastic bag for a quick dart outside. She made it to three feet in front of the entrance doors, next to the Front Desk, when she had spastastic diaheria.... Not exactly a good impression! Thankfully, Facility Services cleaned up the mess quickly and thoroughly but I am still incredibly embarrassed. No more Dolce at work! She continued to have a bad butt 4 more times that day, all outside! She also puked in my office which is how I learned she had eaten the gauze from her tail which created the lovely situation... The joy of dogs... The rest of the day was terrible with work chaos and I just wanted to crawl under my desk and cry. Thankfully I made it home to a wonderful and loving husband. Wednesday was significantly better.

Week 36
Baby Size: a crenshaw melon or honeydew melon! He weighs almost 6 pounds and is 18.5 inches long!
Baby Development: According to

Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day...She's shedding most of the downy
covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa,
the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her
nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances,
along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called
meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement. At
the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term...Most likely she's in a head-down position.
How I feel about being pregnant: Excited! Only four more weeks left, unless he listens to me and comes two weeks early. The week of Dec. 10 would really fit my schedule better! Somehow I doubt he cares...
Symptoms: Pressure and achiness in my girl parts so I think he is dropping. My ribs are still pretty sore. The line down my belly is getting darker. My stretch marks continue to grow. I have to pee every 90 minutes now. My breasts are tender and getting larger.
Cravings: Nothing really. I was able to enjoy wonderful pies over Thanksgiving and yummy cranberry sauce!
What I am most excited about: The last month has begun!
Something sweet your daddy did for me: He was super supportive and caring on Tuesday. He took care of dinner and the dogs!
Funny moment: Showing off my weird belly button bump! My belly button is still a very shallow dent but now the top has a little bump sticking out! I think if I did not have the surgery scar from my gallbladder that my turkey timer would have popped when the bump showed up!
Special moment: The outpouring of love for our little guy and our growing family. It was a joy to be around family and friends who are family! Dan, Bebe Claric, and I are very loved and it's neat to see the joy and excitement that people have for Tadpole. We are blessed and loved!
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