Halloween was fun. We actually had a good showing of tricker treaters. It was so fun to see the costumes and watch Dan pass out candy. I organized all the gifted baby clothes into sizes on Wednesday night to see what we are really in need of. Turns out that we have a TON of socks and bibs! We are also set on newborn and 0-3 sizes so that's a nice relief. Thursday was a All Saints Day, aka a holy day of obligation, so I went to the noon mass. Father Bryce asked if he could give my baby a blessing during communion and I almost cried. Bebe Claric got his first blessing! Dan went off to camp for the weekend with his family as they hunted. He was a scout looking for herds. I enjoyed a lovely weekend full of busy work! I cleaned the kitchen, cleaned my bathroom, cleaned the bedroom, packed summer maternity clothes away, got out fall maternity clothes, got the laundry ready, went grocery shopping, took out two loads of trash, baked a quiche, and made spaghetti carbonara...phew! I had an awesome surprise visit from my brother on Saturday evening. He was in town for a hard cider and craft beer festival that K Fall Brewing was in but the event was volunteer run so he was not pouring. After a good three hours with him, I took him to the festival and crashed! My poor feet were done! Sunday greeted me with a lovely sore throat and evil cough that stuck around for the rest of the new week. Dan came back on Monday evening and the rest was calm after that.
Week 33
Baby Size: pineapple or durian! He weighs over 4 pounds and is over 17 inches long!
Baby Development: According to BabyCenter.com:
He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal...These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.
How I feel about being pregnant: Tired...being sick and prego is not fun!
Symptoms: No new pregnancy symptoms.
What I am most excited about: Getting ready for the holidays. I have been thinking about what traditions I want Bebe Claric to grow up...I love this time of year!
Something sweet your daddy did for me: He went to the store after coming home late to get candy for the cute tricker treaters! He is such a good man!
Funny moment: Dressing up my belly for Halloween.
Special moment: Bebe getting his first blessing.
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