The last week was pretty boring and dull due to an evil cold!
Week 34
Baby Size: a cantaloupe or a butternut squash! He weighs 4.75 pounds and is almost 18 inches long.
Baby Development: According to
Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well.
How I feel about being pregnant: Pregnancy is hard and not for the faint of heart!
Symptoms: In case you were wondering, practice contractions are not fun! I had them very inconsistently throughout the last week and usually in pairs. I would get two in a row and then nothing for the rest of the day. I have also been experiencing a tender tummy. It just feels off so I really have not wanted to eat. Plus, it has been a bit tender to touch on the outside. Tender tummy on the inside and outside! My hips have been sore and the muscles involved in the area (pelvic, hips, upper leg, lower back, etc.) are feeling strained and tired. I also noticed a big drop in energy! On a final note, my breasts are definitely growing and changing while preparing to feed this kiddo.
Cravings: Nothing.
What I am most excited about: Being mostly done with Christmas shopping. All but two gifts have been purchased. Now I just need the energy to wrap!
Something sweet your daddy did for me: He takes good care of me!
Funny moment: Realizing that the belly bump is a food magnet! I am not the cleanest eater in the world but my goodness does food seem to gravitate to my belly!
Special moment: This may seem lame but taking a nap on Friday was the best. I was sick and left work early. I let Rose out of her crate. I had had Dolce at work so I let both the girls go potty. I let the dogs back inside and put a movie on that I knew I would fall asleep to because I have seen it so many times. I was out within the first 10 minutes of the movie with two cute girl dogs cuddling with me. I slept for a solid 3 hours and it was MUCH needed.
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