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My little trees. The silver one is the 12 Days of Christmas and the purple tree is for Advent. |
The last week has been hectic and full of the unexpected. Wednesday was fairly calm. Thursday brought sad news, a dear friend of ours lost one of his closest friends. They had grown up together and were more like brothers. I had to fight every urge on Friday to go over and give him a huge hug. It breaks my heart to see him hurt. Friday went quickly and I am not sure how Saturday started December! Once I got home on Friday, my ribcage was causing so much pain I could barely move. That pain continued all day Saturday...so not fun! I noticed on Friday and through the weekend that Bebe Claric's movements were a little further down and more pressure was in my lower abdomen. My breathing has also been a little easier so I am pretty positive he has dropped! Dan went up to Washington to be with our friend as he mourned over the weekend. I stayed home and set up Christmas decorations and watch Christmas movies! I love when the house is decorated with this joyous season. I just need to finish my two little trees, one for Advent and one for the twelve days of Christmas, and get the actual tree decorated. Monday brought love and joy from my Soroptimist group who held a Baby Shower for us during our annual club Holiday Party. I am constantly amazed at how loved our growing family is and how excited everyone is for this little guy! On Tuesday, Dolce went to the vet and had part of her tail amputate because we could not get the Happy Tail wound to heal. She looks a bit funny with half her tail but she is recovering well. Now we just need to make sure that she does not lick the sutures!
Week 37
Baby Development: According to BabyCenter.com:
Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is
three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be
mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb...Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch
to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't
the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a
loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired
couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course,
some babies sport only peach fuzz.
How I feel about being pregnant: Panicked and excited! The reality has hit that this kid could come anytime now. He is showing signs of getting closer to delivery and there are still things that MUST be done, like installing the car seat and packing a hospital bag and arranging for dog care while at the hospital!

Symptoms: New pressure that is lower were it almost feels like this kid is going to fall out! Plus his movements are lower in my belly. I can breath better so that's nice! My ribcage has been painfully tender on the left side. I wonder if the pain is only from the previously broken ribs or if muscle is now involved.
Cravings: Fruit! I want berries and/or citrus over the weekend in the worst way! I am also craving squash (winter squashes and zucchinis) and spinach salads. I really have been wanting fresh and healthy food.
What I am most excited about: Tadpole is considered full term now! Also, I am pretty sure he has dropped and that's super exciting because it means we are that much closer to the main event!
Something sweet your daddy did for me: He was going to stay with me during the weekend to make sure that I was taken care of. I insisted he go to Washington to support our grieving friend. Dan was very hesitant and concerned to leave me alone for the weekend with the dogs and the responsibility of the house. Our friend needed him more than I did so I am glad Dan could be there for him!
Funny moment: My assistant said, "The battle of the wills has already started" as I continued to push his feet back into my belly! He was really active this afternoon and kept kicking me and hard! I would get a sudden kick and then he would keep his little leg extended. There was the sharp pain from the initial movement and then painful pressure from that little foot sticking out of my belly so I would push back. The little guy would just do it again in a slightly different spot or continue to push back! The battle of wills was a very appropriate comment!
Special moment: The Baby Shower that my Soroptimist sisters threw for my little family! Everyone was so thoughtful! Our little family is truly blessed!
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