This week has brought so many different emotions! I had my regular OB appointment on Thursday. My doctor did the first exam to see my progression. I was 1 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and she could feel his head. He was in place! I had been having pretty regular contractions, at least one an hour, for the past week. We were talking about my due date, Dec. 26, and how she would be out most of that week. She then mentioned inducing and we discussed the pros and cons. She said that I was a prime candidate based on my progress and she thought the control would be helpful for me so we scheduled it! Holy Cow! She said that there was still a good chance that he would come on his own but if not, I would check into the hospital on Dec. 19 at 8pm and he should be born sometime Thursday afternoon! Holy Cow! So has been the final week! On Friday, my work threw a lovely baby shower for me and Tadpole. It was nice and low key and wonderful. Then, I went to the Christmas play that my church put on. My good friend Adele was one of the narrators. It was a beautiful production! I met up with Adele and her parents for breakfast on Saturday morning. Thankfully they accept me as family and let me crash regularly! The rest of Saturday involved a lot of rest. After church on Sunday, I went into baby room final prep! I got the gifts organized and put away and the last few items put up. I made sure that the changing area had diapers, wipes, etc. I was nesting in full force because it was the last weekend before Bebe! I went to a lovely Mary Kay Holiday Party on Monday. The gift exchange stealing game is always a blast! I got my teeth cleaned on Tuesday. One more thing to check off the list. Dolce got the stitches out of her tail and the vet said she was doing really well from her partial tail amputation. Dan and I spent the rest of Tuesday night cleaning and prepping for Bebe. The side room/den now has the Pack N Play (which has the changer/napper and diaper supplies) and is ready! Everything felt really real as I got ready for bed. I realized that this was the last night I could take a long shower without worrying about a baby. It was the last night I would get a decent night's sleep. It was the last night at home before Tadpole joins us in person! Everything became so real! Today has flown by as I have made last minute final arrangements at work. I am headed home after this post to get ready to check into the hospital tonight...oh my!
Spoiled girl dogs! This is what I left as I headed off to church! |
The last belly shot! |
Week 39
Baby Size: a watermelon! He weighs over 7 pounds and is about 20 inches long!
Baby Development: According to

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of
fat to help control his body temperature after birth...The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
How I feel about being pregnant: excited and terrified! He is coming this week!
Symptoms: heartburn in the middle of the night, fat feet, not wanting to eat, lots of contractions, big lips, and dehydrated.
Cravings: WATER! I have been so thirsty this week!
What I am most excited about: Getting to meet this little guy and not having to share share my body! I have loved all the movement but this momma is one tired girl and ready...I think!
Something sweet your daddy did for me: We had a great talk last night. He calmed my fears and reminded me that I can and will make it through labor, I will be a good mom, and how excited he is for our family. He also got to feel lots of baby movements!
Funny moment: Baby kicks and movements that the dogs saw and were very concerned about. Rose kept tilting her head from side to side with perked up ears trying to figure out who my stomach could move on its own! Dolce kept smelling my belly to figure it out.
Special moment: 1) Finishing the baby's room and knowing it is ready for him. Also, knowing our house is ready for him. 2) Adele and I went to brunch after church on Sunday. We had a lovely time and I so appreciated the girl time.
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