Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Final Week!

This week has brought so many different emotions!  I had my regular OB appointment on Thursday.  My doctor did the first exam to see my progression.  I was 1 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and she could feel his head.  He was in place!  I had been having pretty regular contractions, at least one an hour, for the past week.  We were talking about my due date, Dec. 26, and how she would be out most of that week.  She then mentioned inducing and we discussed the pros and cons.  She said that I was a prime candidate based on my progress and she thought the control would be helpful for me so we scheduled it!  Holy Cow!  She said that there was still a good chance that he would come on his own but if not, I would check into the hospital on Dec. 19 at 8pm and he should be born sometime Thursday afternoon!  Holy Cow!  So has been the final week!  On Friday, my work threw a lovely baby shower for me and Tadpole.  It was nice and low key and wonderful.  Then, I went to the Christmas play that my church put on.  My good friend Adele was one of the narrators.  It was a beautiful production!  I met up with Adele and her parents for breakfast on Saturday morning.  Thankfully they accept me as family and let me crash regularly!  The rest of Saturday involved a lot of rest.  After church on Sunday, I went into baby room final prep!  I got the gifts organized and put away and the last few items put up.  I made sure that the changing area had diapers, wipes, etc.  I was nesting in full force because it was the last weekend before Bebe!  I went to a lovely Mary Kay Holiday Party on Monday.  The gift exchange stealing game is always a blast!  I got my teeth cleaned on Tuesday.  One more thing to check off the list.  Dolce got the stitches out of her tail and the vet said she was doing really well from her partial tail amputation.  Dan and I spent the rest of Tuesday night cleaning and prepping for Bebe.  The side room/den now has the Pack N Play (which has the changer/napper and diaper supplies) and is ready!  Everything felt really real as I got ready for bed.  I realized that this was the last night I could take a long shower without worrying about a baby.  It was the last night I would get a decent night's sleep.  It was the last night at home before Tadpole joins us in person!  Everything became so real!  Today has flown by as I have made last minute final arrangements at work.  I am headed home after this post to get ready to check into the hospital tonight...oh my!   

Spoiled girl dogs!  This is what I left as I headed off to church!

The last belly shot!

Week 39

Baby Size: a watermelon!  He weighs over 7 pounds and is about 20 inches long!
Baby Development: According to
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth...The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

How I feel about being pregnant: excited and terrified!  He is coming this week!
Symptoms:  heartburn in the middle of the night, fat feet, not wanting to eat, lots of contractions, big lips, and dehydrated. 
Cravings:  WATER!  I have been so thirsty this week!
What I am most excited about:  Getting to meet this little guy and not having to share share my body!  I have loved all the movement but this momma is one tired girl and ready...I think!
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  We had a great talk last night.  He calmed my fears and reminded me that I can and will make it through labor, I will be a good mom, and how excited he is for our family.  He also got to feel lots of baby movements!
Funny moment:   Baby kicks and movements that the dogs saw and were very concerned about.  Rose kept tilting her head from side to side with perked up ears trying to figure out who my stomach could move on its own!  Dolce kept smelling my belly to figure it out.
Special moment:  1) Finishing the baby's room and knowing it is ready for him.  Also, knowing our house is ready for him.  2) Adele and I went to brunch after church on Sunday.  We had a lovely time and I so appreciated the girl time.


Thoughts for My Baby Boy

My Dear Little Love,

I can hardly believe that I will soon meet you.  These 10 months have flown by!  As I await your birthday, I keep thinking of the things I want for you and who I want to help you become.  I know you will be your own unique individual but I hope I can help guide, encourage, show, and mold you towards being a good man.

First, I want you to always remember that you are uniquely created by God with purpose and love.  Never forget that!  You are your own person and I am so excited to see who you become.  Whenever you are in doubt, seek God and ask for help.  One of my biggest desires for you is that you grow strong in your faith and fall deeply and passionately in love with God.  He made you after all.  Your father and I are just happy to be along for the ride and know the trust God placed in us and the deep responsibility of being your parents.

Secondly, I want you to always remember how loved your are.  I am constantly amazed, even now, how much I love you and I have not met you yet.  There are so many people, family and friends, who already love you.  You have a whole group just waiting to meet you so that they can love on you.  I am constantly amazed by the outpouring of love for you and our family.  As your mother, I will always love you for who you are, unconditionally.  There is nothing that you can do or say to break that bond of love.  Please don't tempt or test that statement but remember it always.

Lastly, my wish for you is to be a good man.  A man who is strong and caring.  A man who is giving and compassionate.  A man who defends those in need and loves deeply.  A man of honor and integrity.  A man like your father and many other men in our family.  Strength comes in many forms.  Sometimes the strongest, most courageous thing you can do is to love and help someone in need.  Be strong in your beliefs and in who you are.  Be a caring man.  A man who is not afraid to show any emotion.  Feel your feelings but know how to process through.  You cannot help what you feel but you can control your actions and reactions.  Life will knock you down and it is okay to cry, to be mad, to be upset; however, when it is time, pick yourself up and start again.  I will always be here to support you.  Ask for help when you need it.  Be giving and compassionate.  Giving back is not optional in our family, it is a great obligation.  You can give of your time, talents, and resources.  You will always gain more by giving back and helping those in need.  Serving others is a great responsibility with unmeasurable joys and gifts.  Be a compassionate man.  A man who helps those in need and looks past first appearances.  Be quick to forgive.  Trust me, it is a lot harder to hold the anger and will only hurt you in the long run.  Be quick to apologize.  A simple "I'm sorry" goes a long way to mend a relationship and heal wounds.  Like giving is an obligation, defending and helping those in need is also an obligation.  A strong man defends the weak and helps the needy.  Correct the problems you see in your community, state, country, and world.  You can and will be the difference!  A true man loves and loves deeply.  In our family, we end every conversation with "I love you" even if you are extremely mad.  I want you to know love and to give it freely.  You cannot be strong, caring, giving, or compassionate without love.  Love people for who they are and not who you want them to be.  Love deeply!  Be a man of  your word.  Live your life with honor and integrity.  Be proud of your family history and continue the legacy.  Learn from the great men in our family.  Learn from others' failures so that you do not have to repeat them and learn from the successes.  I know your father will be a great example to you.  My wish for you is to be a good man, a man like your father.

My unborn son, there are so many things I want to share with you; experiences, traditions, celebrations, books, laughter, and lessons.  I hope to be the mother you need and I look forward to meeting  you and loving you.

I love you,
Your Mother

Two Weeks Left

Week 38 went by quick!  I had a lovely Eugene baby shower which reminded me, yet again, how loved our family is and how loved this little guy is already!  I can't wait to meet him!  I had a quick appointment on Thursday but nothing new to report.  She said that mom and baby are progressing nicely.  I celebrated my 30th birthday on Friday...wahoo!  Dan was a funeral all day on Saturday so the dogs and I relaxed and worked on the baby's room.  The Cascade Manor Resident and Employee Holiday Party was on Sunday.  The Directors work so that as many employees as possible can enjoy the festivities.  Adele and I worked the drink table which was hopping the entire party!  After being on my feet for 5 hours at the party (prep, party, clean up), I got home and decorated the Christmas tree.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were back to normal.

Our pretty Christmas tree

Week 38...WOW!

Week 38

Baby Size:  as long as a leek or the size of a pumpkin!  He weighs 6.8 pounds is is over 19.5 inches long!
Baby Development: According to

Your baby has really plumped up...She has a firm grasp...Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.  Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

How I feel about being pregnant:'s hard work being pregnant!
Symptoms:  big/plump lips, heartburn in the middle of the night, leg cramps, and being tired!  My energy is definitely dropping again!
Cravings:  Chocolate but that's not unusual for me, especially this time of year!  I also have really been wanting juice.
What I am most excited about:  The baby's room is closer to being ready for him.  I just need to sort and put away the new gifts.
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He brought home a tree for Christmas!
Funny moment: I am not sure how it happened but my right ankle rolled under me and I went down on my left tushy side while taking presents to the car on Thursday night.  It just amazes me how clumsy I am on a good day and then throw in pregnancy!  I was not hurt at all and the baby was unaffected. 
Special moment:  The baby shower that Adele organized and Georgeanne hosted was wonderful.  I so appreciate that Dan's family came and good friends were there to support our growing family!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

The Claric Home is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  I love this time of year!  The holidays bring so much joy to my soul, time with family, and being thankful.  This year, I felt in the Thanksgiving spirit most of the month of November but my Christmas spirit did not kick in until this past weekend.  Usually, I am bursting at the seams to start playing Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving.  I have just been in a bit of a mental fog and trying to wrap my brain around this little guy coming and all the new aches and pains and tiredness that come with the near end of pregnancy.  However, I got the decorations out and put on Christmas movies as I got the house ready for Christmas and that switched on my merry Christmas attitude!  I am just so thankful and excited for this time of year and can't wait to see Bebe Claric celebrate it with us next year!  I am still hoping he comes before Christmas but it is really up to him and when he is ready.

My little trees.  The silver one is the 12 Days of Christmas and the purple tree is for Advent.

 The last week has been hectic and full of the unexpected.  Wednesday was fairly calm.  Thursday brought sad news,  a dear friend of ours lost one of his closest friends.  They had grown up together and were more like brothers.  I had to fight every urge on Friday to go over and give him a huge hug.  It breaks my heart to see him hurt.  Friday went quickly and I am not sure how Saturday started December!  Once I got home on Friday, my ribcage was causing so much pain I could barely move.  That pain continued all day not fun!  I noticed on Friday and through the weekend that Bebe Claric's movements were a little further down and more pressure was in my lower abdomen.  My breathing has also been a little easier so I am pretty positive he has dropped!  Dan went up to Washington to be with our friend as he mourned over the weekend.  I stayed home and set up Christmas decorations and watch Christmas movies!  I love when the house is decorated with this joyous season.  I just need to finish my two little trees, one for Advent and one for the twelve days of Christmas, and get the actual tree decorated.  Monday brought love and joy from my Soroptimist group who held a Baby Shower for us during our annual club Holiday Party.  I am constantly amazed at how loved our growing family is and how excited everyone is for this little guy!  On Tuesday, Dolce went to the vet and had part of her tail amputate because we could not get the Happy Tail wound to heal.  She looks a bit funny with half her tail but she is recovering well.  Now we just need to make sure that she does not lick the sutures! 

Week 37

Baby Size: a stalk of Swiss chard or a winter melon!  He weighs 6.33 pounds and is over 19 inches long!
Baby Development: According to
Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb...Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

How I feel about being pregnant: Panicked and excited!  The reality has hit that this kid could come anytime now.  He is showing signs of getting closer to delivery and there are still things that MUST be done, like installing the car seat and packing a hospital bag and arranging for dog care while at the hospital!  
Symptoms:  New pressure that is lower were it almost feels like this kid is going to fall out!  Plus his movements are lower in my belly.  I can breath better so that's nice!  My ribcage has been painfully tender on the left side.  I wonder if the pain is only from the previously broken ribs or if muscle is now involved. 
Cravings:  Fruit!  I want berries and/or citrus over the weekend in the worst way!  I am also craving squash (winter squashes and zucchinis) and spinach salads.  I really have been wanting fresh and healthy food.
What I am most excited about:  Tadpole is considered full term now!  Also, I am pretty sure he has dropped and that's super exciting because it means we are that much closer to the main event!
Something sweet your daddy did for me:  He was going to stay with me during the weekend to make sure that I was taken care of.  I insisted he go to Washington to support our grieving friend.  Dan was very hesitant and concerned to leave me alone for the weekend with the dogs and the responsibility of the house.  Our friend needed him more than I did so I am glad Dan could be there for him!
Funny moment:  My assistant said, "The battle of the wills has already started" as I continued to push his feet back into my belly!  He was really active this afternoon and kept kicking me and hard!  I would get a sudden kick and then he would keep his little leg extended.  There was the sharp pain from the initial movement and then painful pressure from that little foot sticking out of my belly so I would push back.  The little guy would just do it again in a slightly different spot or continue to push back!  The battle of wills was a very appropriate comment!
Special moment:  The Baby Shower that my Soroptimist sisters threw for my little family!  Everyone was so thoughtful!  Our little family is truly blessed!