Crib with nursery themed sheet. |
Painted room with the new light! |
This week was full of goodness! I finally got my cute little car back! Wahoo! While I miss Dan's nicer car, it's good to be back in Zippy. Labor Day weekend was packed full of events and progress. Dan has been hard at work on the backyard, prepping for when my Mom and Keith come to help seed new grass. He has been leveling and digging up roots, and getting debris out like a champ! On Friday, my friend Adele and I went to Jerry's and picked out paint for the nursery, a new light, and a new dimmer switch. I cleared the room on Friday night and we painted on Saturday afternoon. In three hours, we painted two coats on every wall! I was one tuckered momma-to-be with a very soar back! I cleaned up and we were off to the Shannons for some good ol' college football. We had dinner at their place, then parked the car at the boy's office, walked to the Autzen, and enjoyed opening game! The Ducks scored 50 points in the first half. We stuck around until the begining of the fourth quarter but left early. I thought sleep would be easy but I tossed and turned that entire night. After church, I finished painting the corner seams. Dan helped me put in the new light and the dimmer switch. Nesting had definitely taken over so we even put the crib together! On Monday, we took Dan's parents out to lunch for his mom's birthday. After we left his parents, Dan gave into a craving that I have had all summer...a Prince Puckler's sundae! This local business makes the best ice cream and the sundaes have almonds, banana, hot fudge, whip cream, and happiness! I was one happy girl! Tuesday was a blur! Holy cow! My doctors appointment on Thursday was rescheduled to Tuesday. With Monday off, Tuesday brought some major deadlines (invoices had to be finalized and UPSed to Medford for the check run) and resident billing and month end! My appointment went really well. Nothing new on that front to report. The only minor noteworthy piece is that we reviewed the ultrasound images and my placenta is a tiny bit lower than the doc would prefer. She said I will have a third trimester ultrasound to check on it but that this whole thing is very routine. As the uterus and baby grow, most placentas get pushed further back and further up so my doc is not too concerned but we will do the ultrasound just to be sure. I had a lovely swim after work and busted out a nice half mile...felt so good! I rushed over to meet Dan at Riverbend Hospital for a tour of their birthing center. We will try to tour the other hospital next week.

Week 24
Baby Size: as long as an ear of corn or a cantaloupe! The baby measures 12 inches from head to heel and weights over one pound!
Baby Development: According to BabyCenter.com:

Your baby's growing steadily...
he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out
proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also
growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His
lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as
cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs
inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and
translucent, but that will start to change soon.
How I feel about being pregnant: Scared because there is so much to do and get before this kid comes!
Symptoms: Poor sleep has started.
Cravings: Chocolate and ice cream.
What I am most excited about: We toured Riverbend Hospital so that is one more thing to check off the list! Plus, the nursery is starting to really come together!
Something sweet your daddy did for me: He came on the hospital tour with me. He has also been Superman working hard on the backyard!
Funny moment: Realizing the my uterus is the size of a soccer ball and wondering where that is fitting in my body!
Special moment: We went for ice cream that I had been craving. It was wonderful to sit in the sun and enjoy our treats because it was a rare moment where we just got to be with each other and enjoy the company.
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