Week 19 brought so much fun and a bit of action! On Thursday, I had a lovely follow up appointment with my doctor who said momma and baby are doing well. That's always good to hear! Friday after work, we met my family at a cabin in near Crescent Lake and had a lot of fun watching/criticizing the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremonies. We were assigned breakfast so I made two casseroles for Saturday. One was a savory egg/hash brown/sausage combo and the other was a raspberry french toast. Both were new, never tried before recipes that turned out so yummy! I will definitely have to make them before tadpole comes and stick in the freezer! We had to leave the cabin Saturday morning to get ready for a wedding in Cottage Grove. Dan's co-worker, Shelby, was married to Adam in Cottage Grove. The ceremony was lovely! On Sunday, I went to pick up my little sister because she stayed with us for a few days...gotta get that sister bonding in before the tadpole comes! On the way, I completely did not see a red light until this RV jumped out in front of me...from nowhere...and I tagged its side on the back. The RV had little damage but my poor car has a big ouchy!

Thankfully, my aunt was there to help me with the information exchange and no one was hurt! I got Madison and her stuff and we headed home. Have I mentioned that Dan is my Superman? He is! He is totally taking care of all the insurance stuff and the car stuff and cleaning up my mess! Love that man! I called my doctor office just to see if they wanted me to come in but based on several questions regarding how I was feeling, any possible symptom, and details on the accident, they said not to worry. We palled around with Madison for the rest of Sunday. Dan made an awesome steak dinner with yam fries, per Madison's request. I took Monday through Wednesday off to be with her and we slept in every morning. On Monday we went to the Science Factory and watched a video in their planetarium. The video was really interesting about see dinosaurs! After that, we went and got a late lunch of pizza at Roaring Rapids. Then we went mini golfing. We were pretty tuckered after all that so we went home. I made lasagna and an artichoke for dinner. Madison and I made brownies for dessert. Warm brownies and vanilla ice cream make a lovely dessert! Tuesday we went off to Splash where Madison swam like a fish in the lap pool, played in the wave pool, and then went back to the lap pool. She had more fun swimming laps than the wave pool! I really enjoyed watching her enthusiasm in the water as she should me all the different strokes. Swim team has been good for her! After we cleaned up, it was off to the mall for some shopping. She found a retired Ugly Doll and a back-to-school sweatshirt that I had to spoil her with! She wanted Chicken Cordon Bleu for dinner so we went to the store for ingredients.

Dan and I tag teamed dinner and it turned out so yummy! Definitely a good pick on her part! We warmed up brownies and added ice cream for dessert. On Wednesday, we surprised Dan with lunch at his work. We brought Red Robin to him and had a good time there. After lunch we went to my friend Vicky's house. She has an 11 year old and an 8 year old that Shorty really wanted to meet. The girls had so much fun swimming, playing in the hot tub, jumping on the trampoline, and riding the zip line. Madison was sad when we had to leave because she had such a good time. We drove down to Roseburg where we met my step-mom for the switcheroo. Each night we had a great time winding down and watching the Olympics. Gymnastics, diving, and swimming were some of our favorites but we had fun cheering on Team USA in every sport! I got back home on Wednesday and Dan and I had a nice relaxing rest of the evening. All in all, it was a darn good week!
Week 19
Baby Size: a heirloom tomato or a mango! The baby measures 6 inches and weights 8.5 ounces.
Baby Development: According to BabyCenter.com:
Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is
designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and
touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice
now... Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the
rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on
her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix
caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the
amniotic fluid.
How I feel about being pregnant: Tired and excited! Miss Madison wore me out! Very excited for Monday!
Symptoms: I noticed that some of my freckles and moles have darkened and I am a bit more gassy! Thankfully, not stinky but those toots just pop out! My morning sickness eased quite a bit this week which was so nice. I have also had some minor cramping from the tadpole moving and stretching. Plus, my abdomen is so tight! I just want to tell the muscles to give up and let the stretch happen...stop fighting!
Cravings: Nothing.
What I am most excited about: for the crib to arrive this coming week!
Something sweet your daddy did for me: He is taking care of my car mess! He has handled all of the insurance stuff and taking the car to the shop. Love that man!
Funny moment: There were so many with Madison! She is a crack up!
Special moment: Getting special one-on-one time with my little sister! We had so much fun and I loved every minute of it!
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